3 Custom DIY Embroidered Items for Family Events Skip to main content
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3 Custom DIY Embroidered Items for Family Events

Eager to make your next family event even more memorable? Why not try some DIY custom embroidery crafts? Not only are they fun to create, but they also add a personal touch that will delight everyone present. Now, let’s dive into some brilliant DIY crafts for your upcoming events. Trust us, it's going to be much easier and more thrilling than you might think!

Discover creative ways to make your family events more memorable with these three DIY crafts. They are in order from easiest to hardest, but you should have no trouble by following our guide.

1. Embroidery Patches

Do you have some old jeans that you have been meaning to donate or a denim jacket begging to have a bit of color added to it? Personalised embroidery patches are the way to go. They're fun and stylish, and above all—they let your imagination run wild. Besides adding them to your clothes, these fun patches can be added to just about anything, from tote bags to tea cosies.

Looking for something a bit more special? Consider designing personalised hoodies with pre-made embroidered patches. It's an awesome way to create matching family attire for reunions or outings, and you'll have a unique keepsake that holds sentimental value.

Materials Needed:

* Any pair of jeans
* Scissors
* Size 7-9 sewing needle
* Embroidery hoop (optional, but recommended)
* Assorted embroidery floss

Step 1: Prepare Your Material

Cut up the jeans into small sections that can be fitted into the embroidery hoops. You will want to leave a little more fabric around the outside of the clamp to prevent the patch from slipping.

Step 2: Draw Your Design

Make a quick sketch of what you want to sew onto your canvas with an erasable marker or pencil. It doesn’t have to be perfect. The idea is to get the general shape so you can sew over it.

Step 3: Start Stitching 

Pick your colours and your needles, and start stitching. If it’s your first time sewing, you can use a basic straight stitch. But if you’re up to the challenge, there are many types to choose from.

Step 4: Cut Out 

Once you're done with the sewing, remove your design from the hoop and cut it out. If you plan to sew it onto a jacket or another pair of jeans, leave some extra material to be able to attach it. 

And voila! You’ve got yourself a personalized patch ready to be sewn onto your plain denim jacket or jeans. This can give an old item new life while hiding any pesky holes or stains in style.

2. Long Lasting Lilies

Creating egg carton flowers can be a fun and eco-friendly activity, suitable for all ages. It's incredible how such simple materials, like an old egg carton and some wire, can be crafted into beautiful DIY decor pieces or even a unique bouquet for your next family gathering. 

Materials Needed:

* Cardboard egg cartons
* Small bendable wire
* Small knife (utility or X-acto knife)
* Scissors and wire cutters
* Paint and some paint brushes
* Embroidery floss and some needles

Step 1: Cut up the Carton

Cut out individual cups from the bottoms of your egg cartons by using your X-acto knife. Both the “egg holder” slots and the dividers in between can be used to make the flower heads. 

Step 2: Shape Each Cup

Use scissors to shape each of these cups like flower petals. The slots where the eggs sit can be opened up like an orchid, while the dividers give off a more tulip-styled look.

Step 3: Paint the Cups

Add colour to each of your flower heads by painting each cup on the inside and outside. You can stick with traditional flower colours or go wild with some truly unique shades.

Step 4: Embroider the Bulb

Carefully thread the floss through the base of the flowerhead to give it some depth and make it pop out. This will also help hold the stem in place and prevent the head from dropping.

Step 5: Attach Wire Stems

Once dry, puncture a hole in the center of each cup. Stick a piece of flexible wire through that's long enough to serve as the stem, then bend it at the top end within the cup so it won't slip out.

And that’s it! You've crafted charming flowers that never wilt, all while helping the planet by recycling. These flowers should last years, meaning you can add to the vase at every gathering.

3. Floss Leaf Keychains 

Embroidery floss leaf keyrings are quaint, charming, and quick to craft! Plus, you can play around with different colours of embroidery floss to match the seasons. Here's an easy-to-follow guide that will help you create a leaf keyring that’s perfect for adding some flair to your keys.

Materials Needed:

* Embroidery floss in various colours
* Split key ring loops
* Scissors

Step 1: Sort Your Materials

Start by finding the different colours you want for your leaf. Pull apart the floss into smaller strands and cut the floss into many sections, all the same size. This will be important later.

Step 2: Make the Stem

Using some thicker floss, tie a knot on the bottom of your keyring. Make sure it's tight, so pull hard. Cut off the bottom of the thread a little longer than you want your leaf to be.

Step 3: Loop Your Leaf

Using the pre-cut strands of floss, start to tie a reef knot at the top of the keyring, with the “stem” of the leaf in the middle. Continue this process all the way down your leaf.

Step 4: Tie Off The Leaf

After all the other strands are attached to the stem, it should look like a spare or rectangular coaster with a center thread hanging out. Tie that thread into a knot to secure the others.

Step 5: Trim Your Leaf

Finally, start cutting the ends of the threads into a leaf shape. For a symmetrical look, fold the leaf in half and cut both ends at once. Most leaves aren’t perfect, so don't be too worried.

After this, you and your family should have a few cozy key rings to add to the key rack. For a change-up next year, you can swap out the key ring for a pair of earrings!

Creating Fun For The Whole Family

As you can see, the creative possibilities for DIY custom embroidery crafts are limitless! It's a fantastic way to add extra charm to your family events or even transform everyday items into personalized gifts. Now that you've got these simple guideposts at hand, why not get started? Pull out your needles, dust off those egg cartons and let your creativity soar.