Your birth, your way.


Hi I am Natalie, Doula and Hypnobirthing teacher who quite often likes to combine the two! Based in Camden I am currently offering online hypnobirthing classes anywhere in the world and face to face Doula support in North West London and the surrounding areas.

I am a parent of two smalls who have helped me along my way in discovering that I love supporting birthing women and people during their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.

It brings me joy seeing parents thrive during pregnancy, feeling in control of their choices and knowing all their options, understanding that taking the steps to have a positive birth is taking the steps to positive parenthood.

I trained in Hypnobirthing after the birth of my first child-I experienced first hand how important it was to be prepared for birth. We had ‘Hypnobirthed’ and our birth experience was amazing - I couldn’t understand why more people were not doing it, so decided to train as a Hypnobirthing practitioner.

After the birth of my second baby at home I decided that I wanted to support birthing people not only antenatally, but during birth and postnatal and trained with Badass Doulas so I could provide fully inclusive birth support. 

In my previous life I was a intimate apparel designer and stylist-so know the importance of a good fitting bra, I have an unhealthy obsession with buying second hand baby clothes on eBay, take pride in making an outstanding chicken bone broth and have lived in Camden pretty much my whole life!

I understand that pregnancy and birth can feel a bit daunting - both my Doula support and Hypnobirthing classes set out to put a stop to this so you go into birth and parenthood feeling excited, powerful, supported and in control. 

Natalie Jobling, Dip HB (KGH) -Founder, Joy of Birth