Honest, Practical, Style Advice

Do you need help discovering what clothes, styles and colours work best for you and wish for someone to give you honest, practical style advice?

Do you sometimes look in your wardrobe and think ‘I’ve got nothing to wear’ despite having a wardrobe full of clothes?

Do you ever get concerned about the environmental impact of your fashion choices but don’t know what to do about it?

Do your employees reflect your brand and demonstrate a visual image commensurate with your business?

I can help.


m: 07969 516390
e: lesley@lesley-clarke.co.uk

As a Style Advisor based in Northamptonshire, I help solve all these dilemmas and provide you with the confidence to effortlessly and sustainably dress and shop so you don’t make expensive mistakes.

I can save you time and money as well as helping you to rediscover your best assets and allow you to reflect your personality and individualism through your own natural style.

With all my clients I tailor my styling advice and image consultancy to suit your needs, whilst being as sustainable as possible. So, whether you want to work with me face to face or online give me a call for a chat or drop me an email.

“Genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the direction and confidence to improve my wardrobe so much. It’s given me such a personal boost.”

Colour Correct

Colour Analysis



Inside Out

Style Consultation




Wardrobe Weeding



Dress yourself happy

Personal Shopping



Corporate Services

For Business



Feel good about yourself

We all know it’s important to feel good about ourselves: style and image are integral to how this is achieved. I help you discover what clothes and styles will suit you best. Colour analysis, body-line evaluation and styling advice can all help to ensure that deciding what to wear becomes so much easier.

As a personal shopper, my job is to take the stress out of shopping whilst ensuring you avoid the pitfalls of fashion.

New style ideas

Above all I will listen, be honest, resourceful and imaginative, giving you new style ideas that make sure you have the knowledge and confidence to feel fantastic.

Good image consultancy should be about understanding you and your styling objectives. So making sure the service I provide is tailored to your personal needs is my priority. This can be different for everyone – your style is unique and I want you to feel special so your style consultation is a positive experience.

Shop with confidence

Many people think personal styling advice means you have to spend a lot of money. I’m about saving you money, I’ll work with you to achieve a sustainable wardrobe that has the colours, styles and shapes that work best for you.

As a result, you will be able to shop with confidence, both online and in-store or second hand, knowing you have made the right choice – you’ll love what you buy, wear it with assurance and it won’t sit in your wardrobe unused and forgotten.


© Copyright Lesley Clarke 2017